29 Jun 2010

So much to do that's new!

This year has been a year of firsts, my first blog, my first festival and my first steps into all things circus and its all to do with Elephants Not Included.

I could blame Cath, and I would if it was a bad thing, she invited me along to a new club she helped establish with Lynne(Skully) and John. Being into lots of different things, and willing to try anything once, I went along. First impressions are all important and the group seemed very skilled, which they are. Lynne spins and dances around the hall in her hoops with grace and energy, John speeds around on a tall unicycle with the confidence of a pro and Cath bounces on her unicycle and juggles skilfully. My internal monologue said "I am out of my depth here!" but I was greeted, then dragged in and I have a go in a hula hoop and get fixed. Quite quickly I find that I can hula hoop and then do one trick, then another and one more.

That was over ten week ago and so far I have missed only one group meet. When I first attended I could only just hula hoop, now I can pull off some basic moves and tricks that look rather impressive with the diabolo, staff and hula hoop, and I haven't even started to focused on juggling, unicycle, spinning poi (I didn't know what poi was, but I'm not going to tell you! Go and find out for yourself) and lots more in-between.
Three weeks ago I was at my first festival the Southern Lights Festival, a festival for all the circus skills. My eyes were opened to all the possibilities of my new found hobby, and I came back with so much more respect for the skills, and an understanding of my new friends Lynne, Cath and John. As skilled as they are there is still lots to learn, the joy of learning a new trick is as good to them as my first, and having someone to play with is most important.

This blog will document my progress as I learn more moves and skills over the coming year, and tell you of the people I meet. I hope it will entice some of you to come and play with us.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you did come along to the club Daniel, as you have injected your own style on everything you have done and you steady pace of learning reminds me to keep on learning new things myself. You are so right when you say "having someone to play with is most important.", because having others to bounce ideas off and have to celebrate your successes with makes it all the more special.
