8 Jan 2011

Day 1 30/30 challenge, Lynne

So today is the official beginning of the 30/30 challenge and in a spirit of jumping in at the deep end with my 32" hoops I decided to see if I could split 4, 1 on my hand, 1 around my neck, 1 at my waist and the last 1 on my knees. I have only just really got this solid-ish with the 36" in hoops, but thought, what the heck I'll give it a go... and for 20 minutes I tried and tried. I could split the first one from around my waist up to my chest and take it up to my hand, and the second up to my chest, but I wiggled and wiggled and wiggled until I was out of breath and I just couldn't get the last two to split and the knee one drop down without losing it to gravity onto the floor. I have to say rather than causing me to have a toddle tantrum and throw the hoops to the floor it just caused me to giggle a lot, which really wasn't helping me, so I decided to move on to something else.

Hand hooping in a small space (my living room) is a challenge in its self, as avoiding leaving hoop scars on the walls and ceiling takes quite a bit of concentration, but I went for it anyway and worked on making my 3 beat weaving more fluid and the windmill, but I had to stop doing that as I kept dinging the lampshade when I was turning to transition between forward and backward weaves hehehe.

I extended my 30 minutes to 40 today and spent the last 10 minutes hooping around my waist whilst taking up Jo's "Our Time is Now" challenge of breathing and centring myself for 10 minutes every day. Each time a negative thought came into my head I pinched the hoop with my arm to go back in the opposite direction and forced myself to have a positive thought with each pinch. I'm aiming to not have to do any pinches in a 10 minute session... today there were way too many. I'm work on it.

P.S. The photo is from a while ago with 36" inch hoops mid split.

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