12 Jul 2011

Polypro Hoops - A whole new world of hooping

Recently I have been playing with Polypro hoops to see how they feel to work with and I have to say I'm hooked! They are light weight, responsive and they have a strange cushioning effect when you do breaks and reversals. They are also great for hand, neck, foot and arm hooping because the lightness of them. I have been struggling with the MDPE hoops because due to ill health I have been bruising very easily, the Polypro hoops have helped so much with this issue. I rarely bruise myself now. The backs of my hands no longer look black and blue after a short session for practising poi hoop moves.

The only down side of these hoops is the fact they are light weight and responsive... "HUH?" I hear you all saying "aren't they their good points?". Yes they are, but being responsive means they react to everything you do and if you move slightly incorrectly the hoop will go exactly where you send it even if that's not really where you want it to be and because they are so light weight you must be sure to keep moving your body or they drop very quickly. These reasons mean you need to learn hone your movement and get them very precise, which is good, but it does feel a little like you are learning to hoop all over again.

All in all, I'd say I'm converted. I will probably never go back to MDPE hoops, unless hooping in high wind on a top of a mountain, because these hoops have allowed me to hoop for longer, with less pain and are training me to be a better hooper. I love them!

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