Ed has also said we can use his rocket burner oven on the Saturday night, so we are dubbing Saturday night Pizza Night. If people could bring along their favourite pizza base (whether it be home made or shop bought) and a topping, we will lay out all the toppings on a trestle table and everyone gets to make their own pizza. It will be pot luck what toppings appear on the table... if you can't eat a pizza without a certain topping it's up to you to make sure you bring it. Once made they will go in the oven to be cooked. Anyone not liking or wanting to eat pizza will be chased around the field by a small but savage mole... or maybe not. If you don't want pizza but would like something else that's oven bake-able we can do that too. Just bring along the ingredients. Jacket potato or maybe baked squash. Does anyone have a trestle table we could borrow to lay this all out on? It would be great if we could borrow it please.
Peter Duncan has kindly offered to be the Compère for the renegade stage on Saturday night, so make his life easier and offer to come up on stage and do something. I hope you're all working on a performance piece
In case of rain or wanting to stay up late and chat, I will be putting up a large tent as a games playing room. I already have a deck of cards, Polarity, Scrabble, Backgammon, & Chess, but would love a Buck-a-roo, Operation, Cluedo, Bananagram, Sets or any other silly simple game that people can play whilst chatting. Do any of you have some you wouldn't mind bringing along?
Lastly, on Saturday afternoon there will be the treasure hunt, so if you feel the urge to dress up as a pirate please feel free. We will have face paints on site if you want to paint on a patch or dastardly moustache to get in the spirit of things.
See you all soon!
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