The new Treasure of the Elephants Not Included club is...... Stephen Hanbury! Thank you for standing Stephen. I would be grateful if all of you club members make his life easier by remembering to sign in at the beginning of each meeting you attend and pay your £2, thank you.
The new post of Events Organiser was taken by..... Daniel Mahers! So, if you have any events you want the club to attend or have a request for a master class in plate spinning or 3 ball juggling let him know and he will get the committee to organise it.
The Committee now stands as
Chair :- Lynne Davies
Secretary :- Vaughan Budd
Treasurer :- Stephen Hanbury
Events Organiser :- Daniel Mahers
Now we have a full committee again we will be discussing with the club members where you see the ENI going in the next year, because yes Elephants Not Included is almost 1 year old, so bring forward all your ideas and wants to the club committee members. We can't promise we will be able to do all of them, but we will discuss all your ideas and see how feasible each idea/request is. We will of course be having a party to celebrate the fact we will be 1 on 21st April. It will be a bring a plate event again as was the Christmas and Halloween events and I'm sure we can rustle up a few prizes for people to win in some party games.
See you all next Thursday!
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