4 Jan 2013

AGM 13-12-12

Stephen Hanbury started the meeting informing us about the account status for the last year. Anyone absent from the meeting who would like the details should contact Stephen.

We then went on to discuss what to do with the money we've raised from the weekly fees, and it was decided that when the total neared £1,000 we would take a vote on what to spend it on. It was also decided that we should keep a float of a minimum of £500 as a buffer for emergencies. Daniel Davey suggested having a meeting when the £1,000 mark was reached to discuss ideas for spending the money. Cath Davies suggested occassionally using a larger venue, but Stephen said that could be a problem as in the summer weekday bookings are usually full so we'd need to book early, and Dan D said that if the weather is nice people might want to meet outdoors, thus wasting money on booking an indoor venue early. Lynne Davies suggested arranging a meet up on a Saturday or Sunday with other organisations such as Circus Eruption. Stephen then suggested booking one Thursday in the summer at a larger venue, but also keeping Alltwen Hall open. Daniel Mahers has looked into prices for hiring Astroturf, and discovered that during the summer it is half price as people can use the local fields for free, and therefore would be ideal to hire it out then for the unicyclists to have somewhere to play hockey or just practice skills.

Stephen has changed the register to account for missing payments, so that he can keep track of who has missed payments or made part payments easier. We took a vote to see if it was a good idea and everyone was for the new register. We also have new forms for equipment and events.
Equipment Form - This is for suggesting any equipment a member thinks the club need, and when funds are available we can have a meeting to take a vote on what on the list should be bought, and the decided prop(s) will get crossed off the list, and anything left will stay on the list for future reference. However it was stressed that there were no guarantees that anything on the list would be purchased.
Events Form - If anyone has an idea for an event they can add it to the events form, and help the events organiser to organise it. In order to avoid confusion the organiser will contact outsiders on behalf of the club, and the event nominator will organise within the group, reminding club members, get feedback and brainstorm etc. If an event is suggested that no-one wants to do, it will be crossed off the list.
Both forms will be taped inside the cupboard door, allowing any member to view them at any time.
All members agreed with the suggestions.

As it was an AGM  at the end of the meeting all committe members would step down to allow others to nominate themselves for a role, so Lynne went through all the responsibilities, and it was decided to add a note to the member's responsibilities to invest in safety equipment. Anyone wanting to know what their responsibility is should see a committee member.

It was decided that when someone borrows from the lending library that any damages made to equipment whilst out of club responsibilty should be paid for, unless the damage was caused by wear and tear. It was also suggested that an optional donation could be made by the lendee if they had enjoyment out of lending equipment to contribute towards replacement or repair of damaged equipment.

We all agreed that out of fairness we would have a rota for tidying up and doing the dishes at the end of the night, as the same people do them week after week.

The ENI blog is currently inactive, and as we have followers we decided that we should blog more to encourage people to join the group, take up a prop or just to see how we're progressing. Suggestions for blogging included:-
*members posting about improvements they've made, new skills etc.
*New Year Challenge - learn a new prop, either on your own or with another member, and post blogs/videos showing your progress.
The blog page contains the history of ENI, a forum for members to chat to each other andan events calendar which can be added to by members. Please note the page is public so anyone can read what you're posting and/or adding to the calendar so please bare this in mind when using the page. You can also post inspirational videos to the page, and it was decided that the Chairperson and a volunteer become editors, so that anyone not feeling confident about spelling, grammar etc can save their post for the editors to check over for them before publishing.

Mini skill training was suggested as a way to learn a new skill, to better a skill already learnt or to pass on to others a skill already learnt. It was proposed that a session would last from 30 minutes to an hour, and a form has been made for members to volunteer themselves to teach a skill or to suggest a skill to learn where someone could volunteer to teach it, a skill swap session etc. Teaching others helps you learn, as you're breaking down the steps you take to a simpler form. A space will be allocated for the sessions.  All members agreed with the proposal. Dave Reading suggested adding the sessions to the blog calendar so that members had enough notice to bring a prop they normally wouldn't or to arrange to use club equipment. Cath suggested paying outside performers to come and teach new skills in a master class, which needs definate numbers to justify paying for their travel expenses etc. Lynne added to this by suggesting the master classes be held on weekends when it would be easier for most performers to lead a class. Stephen suggested a "9 o'clock Tea Show" where members could volunteer to display a new trick they've learnt on the stage.

We have been asked to do some events in 2013.
*The RSPCA have asked if we could run workshops in the summer that cater to all age groups and skill levels
* Peter Duncan told us that on the 23rd of February is "upchuck" in Bath University, where there is a huge sports hall, and we would spend the day with a variety of skilled performers, with workshops running throughout the day and a show at the end. The cost is £6 for the day, £5 for the show. If anyone would like to attend please see the events organiser, and providing there are enough people interested we can look into hiring a minibus, and if we're attending as a club possibly subsidise members who may have difficulty in financing the trip.
* Daniel M suggested a "Battle of the circuses" at Laserzone, possibly the first week of February on a Sunday. Circus Eruption v ENI v mixture of other organisations/general people. He will hold a meeting in January to find out how many people are interested. All members agreed with the proposal.


Committee members Lynne, Stephen, Dan M and Kim Hopkins stood down from their respective posts so that other members could propose themselves. As no-one else wanted to nominate themselves all four members re-nominated themselves and were seconded by other members of the group.
The committee still stands with:-
Chairperson - Lynne Davies
Treasurer - Stephen Hanbury
Secretary - Kim Hopkins
Events organiser - Daniel Mahers

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